It’s December.
December 4, 2008, 4:44 pm
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There’s something about the holiday season that always motivates me to pick up my guitar and start playing. I’m not really sure what it is exactly, but it happens annually. Maybe it’s the weather. Come to think of it, I’m pretty certain the best songs in the history of music have been written during gloomy and/or rainy days. Don’t ask me how I know that. It just makes perfect sense.

Speaking of Christmas, the thought of presents entered my mind today. What do you get people who are simply never satisfied with the gifts given to them? Case in point, my dad has returned every gift given to him by me and my sister for as long as I can remember. It was offensive at first, but now it’s always expected. I honestly considered just wrapping a ball of cash for him last December. But I’m determined to find something that will finally stick. Any suggestions would help.

Things to look forward to this weekend: Manny Pacquiao‘s always entertaining victory speech.

– JD